Thursday 4 July 2013

Updates and BOOKTUBE-A-THON!

It's been a looooong while since I posted, but nobody reads this anyway so my absence has not been noted. BUT for those of you who do, the last few months have been crazy with exams and then the change of timetables and our family holiday, which was great! Now, I have spare time, which means that I can concentrate on writing book reviews! EVERYONE CHEER AND CLAP!

From now on, I will post something on here, whether anybody reads this or not, every two days. 
I would also like to tell you about a read-a-thon that is happening on Youtube, or rather Booktube since it's book related that I am participating in! The Booktube-a-thon was co-created by Raeleen from PadfootandProngs07 and Ariel Bissett. This read-a-thon will be taking place from the 15th to the 21st of July, so write it down in your calenders! Usually during read-a-thons, you just have to read as many books/pages as possible, but in this one, there are a few challenges -which are optional- that you can complete! I'm going to challenge myself to do all of them and I want you to join me! 

Challenge #1 is to read an average of 300 pages a day, so there is no book that can go alongside this. It may prove hard to do this on the two days that I have to babysit my little sister but I will stay up late to achieve this goal. Mind, this is the only type of marathon I will ever participate in. 

Challenge #2 is to read a book with over 500 pages and for this I picked the bind up of The Fallen and Leviathan by Thomas E. Sniegoski, This challenge is supposed to last two days as the book is over 500 pages. For those of you who don't know, The Fallen is actually a mini series that I watched 3 years ago. The charming Paul Wesley plays the role of the main character Aaron. 

Challenge #3 is to re read one book and for this I picked two books since they both short. I have not read a book by Christopher Pike in a long while so I choose Phantom and Evil Thirst  which are my top two favorites from his Thirst series. 

Challenge #4 is to finish a series or trilogy, and my choice for this is Prodigy by Marie Lu which is the sequel to Legend. Although this trilogy is not yet complete, I will be up to date and ready for the next book when it comes out!

Challenge #5 is to read a book that has been on your shelf forever. I did not pick a pick that has been on my  shelves the longest because, honestly I have given up on that book a long time ago. It is sitting at the back of my shelf gathering dust. Therefore I choose The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler which I bought a year ago, and still have not had time to pick up because there are always more books to read!

Challenge #6 is to listen to an audio book and for this I took out of the library The Final Warning by James Patterson. I may not have time to listen to the whole audio book so I'm partly going to read it as I may not have time to listen to all of it. 

Challenge #7 is to read a classic. Now, I don't now if this is a classic, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I picked Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. It's a short book so I should fly through it. 

Let me know if you are going to participate in this read-a-thon and what you are planning on reading! 
See you next time! x

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