Monday 6 May 2013


We are already six days into May and I'm still deciding on the books I'm going to read this month. I might not stick to this list, but here are the books I'm planning on reading:

172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Hastrad
 I've been eyeing this book for quite a while now- well ever since I read the back cover at my local bookstore, but now finally I got my hands on a copy and read it! 

Plague (Gone#4) by Michael Grant
What can I say? I'm lovin' this series! I have read Gone back in August, but since March I decided to pick up once of the books in this series each month so I can finish it by the end of summer at the latest. 

Insurgent (Divergent#2) by Veronica Roth
The sequel to the book everyone loved and I did not enjoy! I had a feeling I would see the title of this book on that piece of paper I took out his morning from my TBR jar. I'm not looking forward to reading this, but it's been waiting on my bookshelf since last year. 

The Lovely Bones by Alison Sebold
 Another book I've been neglecting, but fear not! You are about to be read, my friend. Once I'm done reading this, I might check out the movie. 

Ten Things We Shouldn't Have Done by Sarah Mylanowski
The (hopefully) easy read for this month! I do hope that the characters won't be just two dimensional. It is really hard for me to find a contemporary novel that really speaks to me. 

Breathe (Breathe#1) by Sarah Crossan
    This book sounds EPIC! Now, can we please just take a moment to stare at this awesome cover? 

Catching Fire (The Hunger Games#2) by Suzanne Collins
 I know, I know! I am possibly one of the few who have not read all of the books. All of the hype that is still going around the books and the movie, which was sooo disappointing, was putting me off reading this. As well as all the squealing Breadman fans, that are giving me a headache.  

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
 I'm reading this with a book club as my new years resolution to read more classics this year. This book is massive, but hey, I've read the Song of Ice and Fire books so surely I can make it at least half way. I'm reading 30-ish pages each day so I can finish it by the end of this month. 

These are all the books I plan on reading! Hopefully it will be a good month and I can stick to all of the books above, but let's face it- I probably won't. 

What books are you planning on reading this month? 

If you would like me to review any of these books once I have read them- let me know!



Coming Soon

About Me

My name is Natalia and I'm in my 4th year of high school. The first book that really got be to reading was If I Stay by Gayle Forman, which I picked up at Liverpool's airport. From then on, I started reading on a daily basis. I share my passion of reading with my older sister, who is also my twin and made the awesome template for me, thank you! For over a year I've been building up the courage to create a YouTube account, were I wanted to share my opinions on books I've read so far, but when I finally plucked up the courage, it turned out that my internet was too slow to upload videos to YouTube. Bummer. 

Now, I decided to start up a blog and well see how it goes from there! 

Basic Information

Name: Natalia
Age: Fifteen, sixteen in 4 months!
Favorite Authors: Rick Riordan, Stephanie Perkins and Charlie Higson are my top 3!
Music: Indie Rock

Sunday 5 May 2013

Recommend Me A Book

Would you like to hear my opinion on any book that I have not read yet or you think that I would like a certain book? Post a comment down here and I will check it out! If I like the sound of it, I will put it on my to-read list and get to it as soon as I can. It might take a while, as my overflowing shelves are already filled with books I really need to read this year. Make sure to check out my Goodreads profile (LINK ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE) to see that I have not read the said book yet. You can also recommend me your own story on wattpad or any other site, and I'll be happy to read it.